Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bold, Italics, Underline

How often do u use the function BI and U each day?
my favourite fonts are verdana *used here* and Ministry
why Ministry? coz it's the corporate font for my company and it's compulsory to use it all the time at work.
I've bcome so accustomed to it that I actually like it

editing and proof read had been part of my job and I am lurving it
to the extent that all my reports and letters are so pretty-ly aligned in perfect paragraphs
while the reports are good enuff to be printed into annual reports :P

perhaps I should have studied Arts and Fontography and truly capitalised these skills and passions of mine?
no one can turn back time so enjoy wat u have there :)))

Hope u'll like the fat Ariel :)))
oppsss I mean BOLD

Monday, June 25, 2012

In The Workplace

Which are you? =D


Boy: Marry me?
Girl: Do you have a house?
Boy: No
Girl: Do you have a BMW car?
Boy: No
Girl: How much is your salary?
Boy: No salary
Girl: You have NOTHING. How can I marry you?? Please leave!!!

Boy: (talks to himself) I have one villa, 3 property lands, 3 Ferraris, 2 Porches. Why do I still need to buy BMW??? How can I get the salary when I'm the BOSS???

So what are the 5Cs that girls look for?
some say it's Country Club membership