Thursday, July 19, 2012


dop-dop-dop-dop-dop PRAAAAPPP
I lurve to stack cards this way when I was lil gal...
and watched in happiness as it destroyed itself

now that I'm an adult...I still lurve to stack "elements" that create the same effect
and watch as it destroy the target

ppl often asked, how did I do it and what it takes to do it?
emotionally, physically and most importantly strategically
and very often my answer was simple
it's just that situations is alwiz in my favour
if you are far sighted and think/look long term, u will alwiz be a few steps ahead of others
this is also what I called --> wisdom

and of coz prioritised your life
my happiness is my priority :)))))
I don't really give much shit and thoughts of what others say/do/react
coz the priority is not what they say/do/react
I am "sell-fish"....prollie I'll be a fishmonger in my next life

but really....the point is...if it's not in your favour...change it
do something about it
and be responsible for your decisions and actions
it takes one to have some "balls" to face responsibilities
however once u have experienced it, you are able to take greater responsibilities in the near future
it also makes you a better person

so what you do to your life, will come back to you
just like a stack of Dominos...

hmmm so what am I gonna stack today?

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